This site is intended to provide a voice for the previously underrepresented supporting side of the overlay argument. It's content is a community effort. If you have any input at all, please contact the webmaster at 615-714-1816 or, so your ideas can be incorporated.
While the goal of this website is inherently biased, all information presented is intended to be entirely factual, and source documentation is provided wherever possible. If you find any detail that is not accurate, or simply not clear, please notify the webmaster at 615-714-1816 or, so he can fix it.
"While I do support the overlay, my primary duty is to the truth, and representing it clearly. I will not allow any content to remain on this site that I do not believe is true."
- Mark McEver ('s webmaster)
My name is Mark McEver. I am a Software Developer who lives at 4200 Dakota. I created this site after months of feeling like the facts and the supporting side of this argument were grossly underrepresented. That lack of accessible information, and a desire to preserve my neighborhood's historic architecture, are my only motivations behind the time and effort I have invested in this site. If anyone would like to discuss any detail of this site, or the overlay in general, feel free to contact me at 615-714-1816 or I am especially curious to hear opposition members' perspectives on the information presented on this site.
Please do your own research and decision making on any claims or assumptions made on EITHER side of this argument before coming to conclusions. Misinformation has been spread in the past.
Even though I happen to disagree, I highly respect your point of view. Regardless of our differences, we are all in this together. We are all trying to build the best possible future for our neighborhood. Thank you for making your point of view clear.
Please accept this site as an expression of the supporters' rights to free speech. Please do not demonize or persecute anyone for exercising those rights.