This site has not been updated since 2015. The overlay for all of Sylvan Park did not go through, but the Bowling House District was a adopted in 2017. The site now mainly exists for historical reasons. If anyone would like to propose any changes to it, please email
Sylvan Park Conservation Overlay

Help Make The Overlay A Reality

Let Us Know You Support It

To make the overlay a reality, we will need to provide Jason Holleman with a long list of names showing clear majority support. Please make sure your name is on that list by emailing or calling 615-714-1816.

Get a Yard Sign

Passively display your support and help spread the word with a yard sign! They look like the picture on right and cost $4 each. If you'd like one, call 615-714-1816 or email Also, please call or email if you'd like anything about this website to change to better reflect your views. This is a community effort!